She Made You a Sandwich – If You Can Claim It

Jade Hameister has done more in sixteen years than most of us, whatever our age. She’s the youngest person ever to have completed what she calls the “Polar Hat Trick”–visiting both poles and crossing the Greenland ice sheet. But when she stood up and spoke at the TEDx Conference in Melbourne two years ago, some […]

Hero #2: Monica Lewinski

In 1998, a political storm engulfed the president of the United States. President Clinton, confirming suspicions many people shared about his character, was caught in an affair with a young White House intern. When he perjured himself about the affair before Congress, his political enemies used his statements to make him the second president ever […]

Kim Kardashian and the Culture of Shame

This article by Jayn Griffith at The Establishment is making the rounds on Facebook. It’s an enlightening read: The Real Reason Everyone Freaked Out Over Kim Kardashian’s Nude Selfie – The Establishment On International Women’s Day (March 8), Kim Kardashian posted a nude selfie on Twitter. The reaction was predictable: a smattering of compliments, some […]

Heroes #5: Danish and Noman

Every time ISIS commits a new atrocity, the Internet flares up with racist generalizations that all Muslims are terrorists. This story is about two Muslim boys who came from the overwhelmingly non-terrorist majority of Islam. Goals Status: Marathon: On Track. I’ll be running my first race of the year, the Get Your Rear In Gear […]