The Opposite of Success

It’s hard to define success. It means something different to each of us: for some, it might be money; for others, power; for still others, fame or status. It might mean love, or well-adjusted children, or a day-to-day joy that life’s trials can’t overcome. If you’re religious, it might mean salvation, or bringing others to […]

How Can Courage Make You Healthy?

If you live in the U.S. today, or in most of the developed world to a lesser extent, you live in a culture obsessed with health. Obsessed with thinking about health, that is. Those who actually do something about it are still in the minority. Why is that? I don’t think it’s any more complex […]

Putting Myself Out There

Since I can’t write about courage without occasionally mentioning something I’ve done: I’ve entered my novel, A Square Foot of Calfskin, in the Amazon Breakthrough Novel Award contest. It’s a contest for unpublished or self-published books, and it might just help me get some eyes on my work. Judging for the first round just started, […]