The GOYA Principle

I heard about this one on a podcast recently. Unfortunately, I can’t remember whose podcast or which episode–I listen to several episodes of a number of podcasts every day, and I’m not very good about taking notes–but the principle stuck with me. You may have heard of this principle already. It’s the cure to a […]

Your Body Might Be Comfortable, But Your Heart Is Breaking

Our culture’s pursuit of comfort is nearly pathological. We sit on soft chairs in front of 60-inch TVs, snacks at hand to stave off the first hints of hunger. Our homes and cars are climate-controlled to our individual tastes. Compact fluorescent or LED lighting ensures every corner is brightly lit at night so we don’t […]

Throwing off Cynicism

A few days ago, I saw a mock high school commencement speech that made me want to grind my teeth. The speaker, a well-known comedian, spent ten minutes or so belittling his audience, telling them, in essence, that most of them are pathetic losers who will never accomplish anything, never amount to anything. He talked […]