The Opposite of Success

It’s hard to define success. It means something different to each of us: for some, it might be money; for others, power; for still others, fame or status. It might mean love, or well-adjusted children, or a day-to-day joy that life’s trials can’t overcome. If you’re religious, it might mean salvation, or bringing others to […]

How Can Courage Make You Wealthy?

Let’s make sure we have one thing straight before we start: thinking about courage accomplishes nothing. I’m reminded of a riddle I heard a year or so ago, one I often torture my teenage son with: Q: Four frogs are sitting on a log. Three decide to jump off. How many are left? A: Four. […]

Sunday Series: How Can Courage Improve Your Life?

Now that I’ve finished my series on Todd Henry’s everyday acts of bravery, I’m starting an even more ambitious series: each Sunday, I’ll post an article focused on how courage can improve a specific area of your life. By my count, there are 14 Sundays left in 2014. So for the rest of the year, […]

The Common Denominator in Every Lousy Job You’ve Ever Had

It’s Monday. The weekend is over; time to drag ourselves back to work. Or maybe not. A growing number of us get up full of energy on Monday morning, looking forward to whatever the week might bring and burning to get back to something we think is important and worth our time. Those are the […]

Martha’s Daily Inspiration

Martha’s Daily Inspiration. I don’t remember where I first learned about Martha Beck, but I get a daily message of inspiration from her. Yes, I receive a lot of inspirational messages daily and weekly. For me, a big part of maintaining a positive outlook is consuming positive messages. The Internet makes that easy. Unfortunately, it […]