She Made You a Sandwich – If You Can Claim It

Jade Hameister has done more in sixteen years than most of us, whatever our age. She’s the youngest person ever to have completed what she calls the “Polar Hat Trick”–visiting both poles and crossing the Greenland ice sheet. But when she stood up and spoke at the TEDx Conference in Melbourne two years ago, some […]

Heroes #5: Danish and Noman

Every time ISIS commits a new atrocity, the Internet flares up with racist generalizations that all Muslims are terrorists. This story is about two Muslim boys who came from the overwhelmingly non-terrorist majority of Islam. Goals Status: Marathon: On Track. I’ll be running my first race of the year, the Get Your Rear In Gear […]

Belated Honors

In two weeks, three courageous men will receive Medals of Honor they earned years ago. On the 15th of September, President Obama will award the Congressional Medal of Honor to three former soldiers: Command Sergeant Major Bennie G. Adkins, Specialist Donald P. Sloat, and First Lieutenant Alonzo H. Cushing. Of the three, SPC Sloat’s action […]

Philmont 2014 – My 100th Post!

In June, I had the incredible pleasure of going to Philmont Scout Ranch in New Mexico with my son and several other scouts and dads. We spent 11 days in the mountains, starting at 6000 feet elevation and hiking as high as 12,500 feet–most of it with packs weighing anywhere from 40 to 65 pounds, […]

Ron Johnson, Missouri State Police Captain

As I write this, protests and occasional riots are still occurring in Ferguson, Missouri, a suburb of St. Louis. The protests started in response to the killing of a black teen by a white police officer. The teen may have been robbing a convenience store at the time. You can easily find news reports on […]

This woman’s bravery will inspire you

This woman’s bravery will inspire you. If you admire people who stand up for people who aren’t standing up for themselves. If you admire people who are just crazy enough to step in front of drunk people twice their size and tell them to stop. If you admire people who have the fortitude to take […]