How Can Courage Make You Wealthy?

Let’s make sure we have one thing straight before we start: thinking about courage accomplishes nothing. I’m reminded of a riddle I heard a year or so ago, one I often torture my teenage son with: Q: Four frogs are sitting on a log. Three decide to jump off. How many are left? A: Four. […]

Everyday Act of Bravery #6 – Find Your Voice

The sixth of Todd Henry’s Everyday Acts of Bravery: Find Your Voice. Like most of these everyday acts, it takes a moment of thought to understand what finding your voice has to do with bravery. Then again, anyone who’s ever stood mute and allowed someone to verbally abuse them understands this concept intuitively. Anyone who’s […]

Putting Myself Out There – Part 3

I haven’t felt very courageous lately. My book didn’t make the quarterfinals, but that wasn’t entirely surprising. A Square Foot of Calfskin was a long shot, just like every other book that entered that contest. If you’re interested, you can find the list of quarter-finalists here. No, failing is part of the game when you […]

Everyday Act of Bravery #2 – Be Fiercely Curious

The second of Todd Henry’s Everyday Acts of Bravery: Be Fiercely Curious. Curiosity is an aspect of courage I haven’t addressed here before, but it’s critical. Especially if we aspire to create art, seek truth, get people talking. It’s the antithesis of dogma: rather than rejecting anything that doesn’t line up with our preconceived notions […]

Martha’s Daily Inspiration

Martha’s Daily Inspiration. I don’t remember where I first learned about Martha Beck, but I get a daily message of inspiration from her. Yes, I receive a lot of inspirational messages daily and weekly. For me, a big part of maintaining a positive outlook is consuming positive messages. The Internet makes that easy. Unfortunately, it […]

Courage and Leadership

Courage isn’t always easy to find in business, whether you’re looking among individual contributors or managers. After all, we’re taught from a young age to keep our mouths shut, follow directions, stay in line, wait for permission. Much easier just to follow the rules and let others take risks than to take them ourselves–we gotta […]